
الخميس، 4 ديسمبر 2014


 لمشاهدة الفرش قبل تركيبها في برنامج الفوتوشوب ( نسخة محمولة ) بورتابل
ABRviewer is a small tool that allows you to see photoshop's paintbrushes without having to install them. If you like to collect these brushes ABRviewer will help you organize them.

The application's interface shows a thumbnail view of all the brushes contained in a pack of Photoshop brushes.

The user can choose both the size of the thumbnail as well as the background color and the brush. If you double click on a particular brush, ABRviewer will preview it in actual size.

In addition, ABRviewer lets you export all the brushes that have been loaded into the interface to PNG format

التحميل من هنا

gliter style

استايلات رائعه

استايلات جلتر مميز 
تعطى طابع لامع للنصوص والاشكال
لروعه التصميم 


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